Why I became a programmer

Hi! This is a post I made a couple years ago but posted in a place with 0 visibility so 0 people read it. Recently I found this text again and decided it was nice to post it here. The original text is in Brazilian Portuguese so today I want to just rewrite it translated to english. It may not be the best quality but I think I did a good job at the time. From here on out, Younger Konan will talk to you.

A search for an answer

I am someone that likes to think a lot about things, this is usually interpreted as something good! Everyone as kid listens to people telling you that you should think before you act, but, there is a bad part about always be actively thinking about everything. To answer the question of why I became a programmer I need to answer the question to what is a programmer?.

A programmer is basically a person that solves problems by using technology, so the main thing is solving problems. In this area I think it’s necessary to like solving problems, since this is what you are gonna be doing for the most part, and solving problems includes not knowing the answer to something and at one point finding it. I think this is the main part for most programmers, the happiness that comes from finding the answer and solving a problem. But what if I gave you a problem that you don’t know the answer? that you can’t find the answer? Or maybe that you shouldn’t know the answer? What would you do?

Problems, problems and more problems

Like I said in the beginning of this text, I’m a programmer, which is someone that solves problems, which also means I like solving problems, right? Yes, I would say I’m obsessed with problem solving, and that’s where it comes one of my biggest problems. Have you ever heard someone talking about that little problem at work, or someone talking about that small phone issue they are having? Well, doesn’t matter the size of the problem that I get to hear, I will have it stuck in my head, Even if I don’t talk to the person that has the problem, even if I don’t know the person, I will try finding the best solution I can come up with in my brain so this problem can be solved. In the end the problem is not the person’s problem anymore, it’s mine.

As some people may imagine, if you turn every problem from every person into your own personal problem you will end up with millions of problems + the problems that are actually yours. This consumes your brain little by little because you are always thinking about some problem, and a lot of times they are not really possible to solve, or maybe you will never get to see the problem being solved, since you are doing all this mental gymnastics only in your brain, a lot of times this will not turn into an actual action. You can help someone fix their cellphone, but probably won’t possess their body and fix their relationship, or get them to work better, or study better. In summary, what I mean is that you can’t control everything, and that’s the whole point here, It all comes down to having control over things.


Computers receive instructions and execute them, they will always listen to your exact input, even if it’s not what you wanted, you have control over everything. Human relations don’t work like that. Things will not be rational everytime, you won’t necessarily be able to do what you think is the best solution, you will not be on control most of the time.

Some programmers tend to unconsciously be attracted to this idea of controlling all pieces to solve a problem. This doesn’t mean everyone is like this, nor that every person who likes programming enjoys because of this fact. But I do think it’s a subconscious feeling in many.


The solution is quite simple, relax! We don’t need to have control over everything, we don’t need to worry about everything. There are things that are simply not worth to think about it. Sure, this is a lot easier to say than to actually execute it. I’m not a machine, I can’t execute a task just because someone gave me instructions, but breaking this into small reasons to why I do this and know them well it’s a good first step! In the end this article culminated into a journey, another journey with a problem and possible solution at the end. But, at least this time it’s actually my problem and it’s worth thinking about it.

Older Konan final notes

Hi, it’s current me again. This post was weird. I like what my past self was going for, but the text was not very well on the communication department. Interesting to note that, different from my more recent post where I try to write like I’m in a 1 to 1 conversation with the reader, I’m clearly talking to myself here. Which makes a lot of sense, I wrote that to try and explain a problem with myself TO myself. I never intended that someone would read it.

By the way, for you that stick to the end I can only say “thank you”. My past self would never believe if someone said to him that people would actually read the stuff he writes, this was never considered a possibility. Life is going crazy and I’m doing a bunch of stuff but the posts will continue coming. Whatever it is the random thing my mind thinks for next time.

See ya everyone